Enhanced Option Pricing Display is available in three forms: (Manuals for latest versions are now separate - click on the version name for the new location)
Lite changes all the options products in the same way.
Pro allows each individual option to be changed in the way it is displayed.
Link Pro adds the ability to show a link or information to your customers email order confirmation - to a form to fill out, for a file, a training video, etc.

Important Notes:
1. Main product quantity become inactive when you add options with track-able values.
2. Starting with extension version 1.2.15 we have adopted a license key for all our extensions. Your extension will only work if you have a validated license key entered for the location where your extension is installed. Refer to here for more details on how license keys work.
3. In our opinion AbanteCart v 1.2.14 is extremely problematic and requires a large number of patch files to work correctly. Our recommendation is to upgrade v 1.2.14 to AbanteCart v 1.2.15.
This extension v 1.2.15 is tested to work with AbanteCart v 1.2.15. It may work with AbanteCart v 1.2.14 if all the patch files have been updated but we don't recommend you using AbanteCart v 1.2.14.

AbanteCart Version 1.2.15 use Enhanced Option Pricing Display - Lite v1.2.15.

AbanteCart Version(s) 1.1.9 – 1.2.13 use Enhanced Option Pricing Display - Lite v1.2.0.11.

Enhanced Option Pricing Display - Lite

This extension helps you to modify the option price displayed on the product page.
1. This is the manual link.
2. This is extension quick note.
3. Turn ON to show the total price on option and turn OFF to show the default setting showing pricing difference.
4. Enter you license code. Refer to How to obtain license code section for more information.
5. Turn ON if you want to show the product base price on the options when there are no option price
6. Turn ON if you want to hide the option price.
7. Enter the symbol or text you want to use as the separator between option value name and option price. A space is inserted before and after the separator symbol. Leave empty if you want to use only spacing.
8. Enter the symbol or text you want to use as the separator between option price and stock status. A space is inserted before and after the separator symbol. Leave empty if you want to use only spacing.
Notes: number 9 and 10 are only for multiselectbox and checkboxgroup option type.
9. Enter the desired warning message if customer select less than required selection total: If left empty, it will use the default warning message provided by the extension. If you want to put the minimum selection and customer current selection between your text, please add {min} and {total} between the text, the extension will replace {min} with the minimum selection and {total} with the current selection. The default message is " selections are required. You have only selected {total}. Please continue your selections." e.g. If you set min to 7 and customer only select 8, the complete message will be: 8 selections are required. You have only selected 7. Please continue your selections.
10. Enter the desired warning message if customer select more than required selection total: If left empty, it will use the default warning message provided by the extension. If you want to put the maximum selection and customer current selection between your text, please add {min} and {total} between the text, the extension will replace {max} with the maximum selection and {total} with the current selection. The default message is "You have selected {total} which is more than the maximum number of {max}. Please revise your selections to proceed." e.g. If you set max to 7 and customer selects 8, the complete message will be: You have selected 8 which is more than the maximum number of 7. Please revise your selections to proceed.
11. Run Order: If you are using multiple of our extensions, refer to our F.A.Q for How to set extensions sort/run order if you are using multiple extensions. You can leave it blank if you are only using our Option Price Lite individually.
Admin product options page Multiselectbox
Notes: When using multiselectbox in order to select the multiple choices in PC browser, customer must press and hold the ctrl button in the keyboard while clicking the left button of the mouse to select the choices one by one. Because of that, we suggest you use checkbox group as it is more customer friendly.
1. Turn ON to enable maximum selection check: You need to turn this ON if you want to validate the maximum selection.
2. Enter the minimum selection: Enter the minimum total of selection that must be selected by customer.
3. Enter the maximum selection: Enter the maximum total of selection that can be selected by customer.
1. Turn ON to enable maximum selection check: You need to turn this ON if you want to validate the maximum selection.
2. Enter the minimum selection: Enter the minimum total of selection that must be selected by customer.
3. Enter the maximum selection: Enter the maximum total of selection that can be selected by customer.
Storefront product page Show product base price and separator
Hide product option price
multiselectbox and checkboxgroup


  • Q. How are option prices affected by Promotions Special (sale) prices?

    A. Options work off the base product pricing and Sale pricing adjusts the base price. All options pricing is adjusted by the base sale price.


2019 - 06 - 09

Initial release for AbanteCart version 1.2.15


2019 - 3 - 27

bug-fix 1. Fix wrong DB Prefix.


2018 - 10 - 16

Add minimum and maximum selection validation for multiselectbox and checkboxgroup.


2018 - 08 - 21

Support Php v5.3-7.2.
Support AbanteCart v 1.2.13.


2018 - 02 - 05

bug-fix 1. Fix non working pricing calculator options on product page if Pricing Calculator extension is turned ON.
3. Hide price separator symbol if there are product option stock tracking is turned OFF.


2018 - 01 - 22

changesCode improvements.

Support AbanteCart v 1.2.11-1.2.12.


2017 - 04 - 10

featureAdded hide option price button.

Support AbanteCart v 1.2.9-1.2.10.


2016 - 08 - 18

Support AbanteCart v1.2.8.


2016 - 06 - 08

featureAdded symbol separator.


2016 - 05 - 16

Support v1.2.6 and v1.2.7.


2016 - 02 - 01

Added manual link


2016 - 01 - 28

feature Added the ability to show base price or not


2015 - 10 - 05

Initial Release.